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Andy P “But it is public domain” Tech Stuff Fish 4.0b1 I'm giving Fish a try. So far it’s really amazing and a step up from ZSH, which itself was a step up from Bash. 4.0b1 is out, noted as “highly stable” and as better
Vitalis 🇺🇦 The most original and unusual landmark in Odesa, which has become a symbol of the creativity of Odesa residents. Tech Stuff Cursor I really really like Cursor. I had a great time using VS Code + Github Copilot. I found the autocomplete to be such a huge time saver. But
Can Christmas season start a little earlier this year Tech Stuff Ramsey Nasser fuck it happened i am in a situation where i do actually need to reverse a linked list Atuin I just learned about Atuin and am giving it a try. I think it’s good and worth
The Mighty Git "One of the curious upsides to discovering you have ADHD as an older man is that suddenly other people have an easier time finding presents for you..." Tech Stuff Mantine DataTable When you need an all powerful data table in your UI that can do